Letter to United States Ambassador to Australia regarding Hong Kong


November 13, 2019


Dear Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr.
United States Ambassador to Australia,

Re: Hong Kong

This world is where justice and evil coexist. Since the Second World War, although the fascist evil has been eliminated, another larger communist evil has been established on the ruins of World War II. And the establishment of this evil was entirely due to the help and support of the United States.

In the latter part of the Second World War, Roosevelt rejected the proposal of the British Prime Minister Churchill's disintegration of the weak Soviet Union and sacked General Patton who supported Churchill's proposal. It could be said that the United States helped the Soviet Union to rebuild and rise, thus creating the Berlin Wall, the product of the confrontation between the East and the West.

In China, the United States helped the CCP to defeat the American wartime ally, Chiang Kai-shek, the Republic of China, which led to the unprecedented development and growth of the communist camp, which led to the Korean War. In the Korean War, Truman lifted the post of General MacArthur and helped the CCP to tide over the crisis and difficulties.

In the 70 years of the reign of Chinese Communist Party, the United States has been again and again saving the CCP’s vicious regime. On the surface, the evil CCP is working, but the United States always secretly assists the CCP. Is it the stupidity or the hypocrisy of the United States?

The CCP’s mass killing in Beijing 30 years ago was mainly due to the acquiescence of then US President George Bush.

Now Hong Kong is in a critical situation and the humanitarian crisis is serious, Trump is only focusing on a paper of deal with Beijing who would never honor for the sake of re-election in 2020, turning a deaf ear and blind eye to the democratic pursuit of Hong Kong people and the serious human rights crisis Hong Kong people are suffering. This is not the statesman style to lead the world. On the contrary, this is completely opportunist and ugly.

The Chinese people are in distress, the people of Hong Kong are in peril and only the United States in the entire world has enough power to stop the evils doings by the Beijing CCP evil regime. The United States behaves to choose not to act at this time. The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act the US Congress has passed is now putting on hold in the Senate. Why? The reason is very simple. The act is deliberately delayed by the Senator majority leader, McConnell who and his wife Elaine Chao have long close relation with Beijing. They are playing the role to serve the interests of Beijing.

Hong Kong people know if they fail to stand up today to resist the Extradition Bill, they will not be able stand up in the future. Today, if the United States does not stand up to contain the CCP demons, the United States will be defeated by the ancient Thirty-Six Stratagems the CCP is now adopting and will no longer stand up. The CCP’s goal is to replace the United States to dominate the world. What kind of world will be if the world is dominated by the CCP? The most of political leaders of the entire Western democracies today are politically mediocre and they cannot see the catastrophe that the CCP’s evil will bring to the world.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. The political leaders of democracies are hypocritical “good people”. This world could be destroyed in the hands of these hypocritical "good people" to bring the whole world to everlasting perdition.

I would like to implore you, Mr Culvahouse, the US Ambassador to Australia, please forward this letter to the US President, the US Senate and the US Congress.


Yours sincerely,

Chin Jin

President of
the Federation For A Democratic China